Monday, July 12, 2010

Missouri Wedding Recap

My trip to Missouri was wonderful!  I think I did pretty well on the plane!!  The layover was not stressful at all! Thank God!! 

I sat by the SWEETEST little old lady on the plane from Memphis to Kansas City!

Anyways!  The Kansas City Airport was so small...compared to Charlotte and Memphis!

I was completely oblivious to where the heck I was going as I was getting off the plane and I was walking toward baggage claim  and I see this crazy women waving her arms at me. It took me a minute to register that it was Katie and unlike any other airport I've been to they allow people to who aren't flying to be right outside of the gate! We made a ruckus and squealed like little girls when we saw each other!

Katie had to work on Wednesday and Thursday so she let me borrow her car so I could sight see.  Missouri is beautiful.  Rolling hills and fields for miles!!  I almost imagined Laura Ingalls and a covered wagon to come up over one of them! Friday was a work day!  We set up the reception hall and church and didn't get in bed until midnight!

We were at the church at 9am the next morning to get ready!  It was a long but fun day.  Katie was GORGEOUS!  The wedding was beautiful.  I think all of the bridesmaids lost it when she was coming down the aisle.  Katie said that she wasn't going to cry but the second she saw her mom, she started !  It was a chain reaction for the bridesmaids!  But it was a beautiful moment!

The reception was a blast! I was EXHAUSTED and was DREADING the early morning ahead.  I spent that night with Katie and Nate's married friends, Mary and Byron.  I got about 3 hours of sleep and then woke up at 4:20am because my flight time was 6:28. Byron was a dear and took me to the airport.  He was going fishing with a friend that morning.   We left their house at 5am. They live an hour away from the airport.  The crazy funny thing is that I got to the airport at 6am.  I would have COMPLETELY missed my flight if I were in an airport like the one in Memphis and Charlotte.  I was freaking out!!!!  Until....I was sitting comfortably on the plane by 6:10am...I'm not kidding.


The single Calla Lilly that I held.


Kate and Nate
June 26, 2010



  1. Awww sounds like a ton of fun.

    And what a beautiful bride!!!

  2. LOVE all the pictures...what a pretty bride!!

  3. Looks like a great time! I've never been to a wedding, so I love looking at wedding photos. I love the black and white colors; what a nice bride - she chose cute bridesmaid dresses!

  4. sounds like a fun trip! I left you a blog award on my blog! I tried to e-mail you but could not find your e-mail address!


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